MDF Training Course Outline

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Sewing and Dressmaking 1        4 months 3 day per week

Introduction to fashion design
Apparel Production Machinery
Fabric identification
Design Collection
Fashion Awareness
Fashion History 
Sewing – Beginners Level 1 
Personal Pattern Making 1 

Sewing and Dressmaking 2       4 months 3 day per week

Garment Construction
Intro to Manufacturing
Sewing – Beginners Level 2
Personal Pattern Making 2
Standard industry software 
Product development 

Sewing and Dressmaking 3       4 months 3 day per week

Business Skills 
Website Design and E-commers
Final project
Build and Launch Your Brand 
Grad Show
Extensive Career Suport

What To Expect

 • Mandatory attendance
 • Practical labs and demonstrations
 • Team activities
 • Computer work
 • Field trips
 • Independent learning
 • Student presentations
 • Individual and group projects
 • Written exams
 • Research assignments
 • Self-assessments
 • Portfolio creation
 • Lectures, seminars, videos
 • 120-hour industry practicum