Mohammad Amin Mehrm

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Name: Mohammad Amin
Last name: Mahrm
Date of birth:05-May-1985
Sex: male
Marital status: Married
Address: Sajadia District No 1, Mazar-e-sharif
Cell Phone: +93 (0) 798-467-636
Whatsapp NO: +93 (0) 774-721-096
E-mail Address : MohammadAminMahrm@gmail.Com

• Trainer
• Communication
• Marketing
• Sales
• Trader

Dari: Native
Pashto: excellent write, read, Fairly speak and understand.
Work Experience
I Start clothes business from (2015 – now)
I have been working as employee in “MDF CHARITABLE SOCIETY” From (01/09/2019- now)
I have been traveling to China/ India/ Iran and Uzbekistan for business